Social insurance
The legal form of the individual enterprise determines which types of social insurance are compulsory.
Not a legal entity: The owner of a sole proprietorship, general partnership or limited partnership counts as self-employed. This means that occupational benefits and risk protection are arranged on a voluntary basis, with the exception of first-pillar contributions.
Legal entity: If you have founded a GmbH or an AG, you are not self-employed (=you are an employee of your own AG/GmbH) and must register yourself and all your employees for the following types of insurance: accident insurance, unemployment insurance, first pillar for OASI/AHV, DI/IV and loss-of-earnings compensation (EO), plus occupational benefits under the OPA/BVG on annual earnings of CHF 22,680 (as at 2025) or more. Daily sickness benefits insurance is voluntary, but pays off as soon as the number of employees and the total salary volume start to increase. Some sectors in Switzerland are subject to a collective employment agreement (CEA/GAV). These sectors are required to take out daily sickness benefits insurance.
Business insurance policies
Apart from liability insurance, which is legally required for some professions, business insurance policies are generally voluntary, yet if something goes wrong for a company, they may make all the difference between survival and disaster – especially for businesses just starting out. These types of policy should form part of your basic insurance:
Business liability/professional liability: Business liability insurance is a must, because it protects your new business from the risk of financial loss if third parties are harmed by your firm. It covers reasonable claims for property damage, personal injury and some types of economic loss, as well as defending against unjustified claims.
Property insurance: From the cost of cleaning and disposal through to restoration and loss of income, this type of insurance covers the costs that may result from fire and natural forces, burglary, water, glass breakage and other risks on your company premises.
Legal protection insurance: Legal disputes with employees, landlords, suppliers or customers present an incalculable commercial risk, particularly for new companies. The right insurance makes these costs affordable and protects against unforeseen legal disputes.
Cyber insurance: Cyber crime is one of the biggest threats that small and medium-sized enterprises face. These days, automated virus attacks and phishing attacks (e-mails with dangerous content) are the rule rather than the exception. Cyber insurance is therefore part of the basic equipment of any start-up that uses the internet, directly or indirectly.
AXA Startup Package
We are your ideal partner in this adventure. We analyze the potential risks and bring all the necessary policies together in a customized package offering excellent value. In addition, we will contribute CHF 500 towards the start-up costs of entrepreneurs who take out our Start-up Package.