To ensure that you start your retirement without any worries, you will need to plan and prepare well in advance. We show you which financial considerations and other decisions are necessary for a good start – including a checklist for the time before and after retirement.
Financial planning is an essential part of preparing for retirement. Regardless of whether you want to retire early, take regular retirement, or continue working, you need to plan your retirement provision carefully.
The timing of retirement from working life varies greatly. Some people leave the world of work early, while others continue to work into their old age. The time at which you choose to retire will affect your financial situation in the long term.
Men reach the ordinary retirement age at 65, women at 64, with the retirement age for women being gradually increased to 65 from 2025. The reason for the increase in the retirement age for women is a referendum held in September 2022.
According to the law, you are entitled to a pension in the first month after your 64th or 65th birthday.
However, you should take action before you reach the statutory retirement age in order to receive your pension. You should bear in mind the following:
Many Swiss people wish to take early retirement. The challenge usually lies in bridging the income gap caused by early retirement.
One option is to draw your OASI pension or pension fund assets early:
If you are thinking about taking early retirement, you will find valuable tips in the article “One step closer to early retirement” (in German).
The cost of early retirement is approximately one year’s salary for every year you take early retirement. Which means that For example, if you retire at 64 instead of 65, you are accepting the loss of OASI contributions amounting to one year’s salary. In addition, the total OASI and pension fund pension will be lower for your entire life as a result of the early withdrawal.
Whether planned or for financial reasons: If you wish to continue working after reaching retirement age, you can postpone the date of your pension payment and thus have the opportunity to increase your retirement assets.
Even if you do not continue to work, you can postpone the date of payment.
The ordinary OASI retirement age is prescribed by law. The OASI Act stipulates a retirement age of 64 for women and 65 for men (the retirement age for women will be gradually adjusted to 65 from 2025).
As a full pension, the this amounts to a minimum of CHF 1,225 and a maximum of CHF 2,450. Married couples receive a maximum of CHF 3,675 (as at 2024).
Insured persons with a full contribution period receive a full pension.
The contribution years between January 1 after the 20th birthday and December 31 before retirement are decisive.
The pension is reduced if not enough years have been paid into the pension scheme. The greater the number of missing contribution years, the lower the maximum partial pension.
You can find an online pension estimate on the website of the OASI/IV information office. There, you can determine the estimated amount of your OASI pension.
The obligation to pay OASI contributions does not end automatically upon retirement. Contributions are still due in the following cases:
If you lived or worked in Switzerland during your working life and would like to retire abroad, you can have your OASI pension paid out abroad. The exact regulations for the application and payment depend on your nationality. You can find all the information you need on the federal government website.