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For pension funds Reinsurance in line with your regulations

Matching reinsurance for the risks of disability and death
Benefits insured as per regulations
Maximum cost efficiency and control
Key points at a glance
  • Tailored to your needs: We adapt the benefits we provide on disability and death to your requirements.
  • Transparent and tailored: The comprehensive reinsurance solutions perfectly align with your regulations.
  • Costs and control: We help you with administrative tasks and enable you to optimize your costs over the long term.

How AXA's reinsurance in line with your regulations works

Do you want comprehensive reinsurance for the risks of death and disability that is aligned with your current pension fund regulations and also allows you to benefit from reliable cost efficiency and control? Our individual solutions offer you both, fitting the requirements of your regulations exactly while being cost-effective and easy to manage.

Frequently asked questions

  • Which pension funds does reinsurance with an individual premium suit?

    Occupational benefits insurance covers the risks of death and disability. This means that various types of benefits come into play when either of these events occurs, including partner's, orphan's, and disability pensions.

    The premiums that fund these benefits are calculated using tariff factors that depend on the type of benefit as well as on the insured person's gender and age. The amount of a given type of benefit is multiplied by the relevant tariff factor. The sum of premiums for all insured benefits is the individual premium per insured person.

    The sum of all individual premiums is the annual premium invoiced to the contracting partner. With this type of invoicing, all changes concerning staff – when the holder of a specific position changes, for example – must be reported to AXA. Reinsurance with an individual premium is suitable for pension funds that manage their own assets and want to receive advice from our specialists when an insured event occurs.


  • Which pension funds does reinsurance with a flat-rate premium suit?

    Flat-rate premiums are calculated using the same principles as for individual premiums. The difference is that the flat-rate premium solution is only viable for large portfolios of insured persons. The number of insured persons is reported to AXA once a year. This removes the need to report everyone who joins or leaves during the year separately.

    To set the flat rate, the sum of the individually calculated premiums is compared with a reference value – usually the insured payroll amount. The resulting percentage is multiplied by the insured payroll amount to give the invoiced premium. The following year, the flat rate is checked against the reported number of insured persons to see if it needs to be adjusted. 

    This type of reinsurance is aimed at pension funds that manage their own assets and want to keep their risks and administrative workload to a minimum.

  • How does cash basis accounting work?

    Reinsurance with an individual premium or a flat-rate premium can be combined with own cash basis accounting. This takes account of the actual risk events among the insured staff.

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