The law allows occupational benefits schemes to choose whether they bear these risks themselves or transfer them to an insurer. Reinsurance of occupational benefits is suited to pension funds and associations that want to cover the risks of death and disability either partially or in line with their actual needs. Various factors determine which insurance benefits need to be reinsured: the pension fund's structure, how much administration it can perform itself, and how it is managed.
Pension funds and associations that want to transfer their risks have two main reinsurance options. It is important to weigh up the pros and cons of each one carefully.
Peak risks can be covered if the number of insured persons is large enough and the finances are available to allow this. In this case, the pension provider opts to bear some of the risk itself. This works rather like health insurance, where the insured person chooses a deductible and has to pay his or her own treatment costs up to that amount. The lower the deductible, the greater the delegated risk and therefore the higher the premium.
Another option is reinsurance in line with your regulations, which means that the benefits provided for in the regulations in the event of death or disability are fully reinsured.
In each case, solutions need to be worked out that fit your occupational benefits scheme's current situation. Why not contact us to arrange a consultation? We'll be glad to assist you.