A man with glasses sits at a desk and looks at a white robot, surrounded by electronics and tools, in front of a large window.
Key points at a glance
  • Fast and uncomplicated help: Technical infrastructure failures can quickly become very expensive. This engineering insurance compensates for the costs of repairs, recovering data, and rental and new devices, meaning you can recommence business activities quickly.
  • Financially protected: This insurance also covers you against the financial consequences of the loss of earnings (optional).
  • Comprehensive coverage: This insurance covers all types of technical infrastructure at your company – regardless of whether it’s a crane, IT infrastructure, a 3D printer, or turbine.

Sales advice: 052 269 21 70

Who needs engineering insurance?

Whether you are a long-time trade contractor, run a digital start-up, produce goods or provide services, very few SMEs today can operate without technology. It boosts efficiency, takes over entire work processes – and leaves a gap in production when it breaks down. A simple short circuit, an operating error or force majeure can mean lengthy repairs and staggering lost earnings. These are scenarios against which every SME with machinery and electronic equipment should protect itself.

Engineering insurance that pays off twice over

Technological advances make it possible to optimize your business using complex machines and systems. Many steps in a work process can be handled more efficiently or replaced entirely using technology. But at the same time, this technology harbors financial risks. While companies budget for the cost of investing in new machinery and other complex equipment, often they do not plan for their sudden loss or break down. So, the more specialized and indispensable technical systems are for your daily business, the more important it is for you to have them protected by comprehensive insurance. That way not only are the costs covered for replacement parts or a full exchange of the damaged equipment, but also the earnings that you lose due to the interruption or disruption to your operations.

What does AXA engineering insurance cover?

While many insurance companies differentiate between insurance for machinery, IT systems and electronic equipment, AXA engineering insurance automatically covers all types of technology: computers or CNC milling specialists, telephone equipment or turbines, kitchen appliances or cranes. After all, every company has a different technical infrastructure that needs to function seamlessly. You need to be sure that if something happens, the financial consequences of a breakdown or defect are covered, regardless of whether you need a repair or replacement or have added expenses or consequential costs for the machinery or electronic equipment that disrupted your operations.

Insured risks

The insurance covers damage to your company’s technical equipment that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly and is caused by external factors such as employee mishaps or deliberate damage by third parties, or which is caused internally, for example by defective construction or materials. Other potential risks:

  • Human error
  • Violent acts or sabotage by third parties
  • Loss/damage due to collision, impact, overturning, crashing or sinking
  • Defects in construction, materials, fabrication or execution
  • Loss/damage resulting from defective lubricants
  • Loss/damage due to breakage, cracks or deformation
  • Loss/damage due to overheating, too much or too little pressure, scorching, burning
  • Effects of electric current (e.g. short circuit, lightning strike, overcurrent or overvoltage)
  • Failure of systems used for measuring, control or safety
  • Failure of electronics

Insured benefits

The insurance fully covers all technology equipment and machinery in your company if, for example, you have to pay the costs for repairs, replacement or rental equipment as well as for the lease payments for defective devices. And your company is indemnified for any loss of earnings in connection with an insured loss. 

  • Repairs: Covers replacement parts and repairs to insured machines, systems and IT equipment
  • New and rental equipment: Covers costs for rental equipment and for new equipment that is a total loss (at the applicable list price during the first two years following acquisition, and at present value thereafter)
  • Loss of earnings: We will indemnify the loss if production is reduced or halted due to an insured event
  • Additional costs: Covers the added expenses and consequential costs necessary for minimizing a loss
  • Loss of data: Covers the costs of restoring electronic data

Insured devices 

  • Blanket coverage: The insurance covers all of the insured company’s IT and communications technology, IT systems and software, regardless of whether it is owned, rented or leased. Includes infrastructure and data carriers.
  • Separate coverages: Your SME's machinery and systems are insured individually based on the actual equipment at your company. This means you only pay to protect what you actually have. Individual coverage can be arranged for:
    • Stationary machinery, such as printing presses or filling line equipment or 
    • self-driving or drivable equipment on the company premises such as excavators or forklifts
    • Other drivable and transportable equipment and machinery not located on your premises

What does AXA assembly insurance cover?

The danger of damage to technical systems and machinery is never greater than during installation. This is when any planning and calculation errors in the equipment being installed become apparent and the risk of theft and sabotage rises. There is also a higher risk of damage during transport to the place of installation. Assembly insurance makes sense for everyone involved as it offers sensible protection against unpredictable risks during all phases of installation.

Insure risks during the installation phase

Assembly insurance is like insuring a project. Your coverage begins when the equipment to be installed is delivered and ends as soon as it is ready to come on stream and after successfully completed test operations by the purchaser and manufacturer.

Insurable risks

  • Assembly errors
  • Planning and calculation errors
  • Design, material or manufacturing errors
  • Operational errors
  • Theft
  • Water and moisture damage
  • Temperature effects
  • Fire damage and events caused by natural forces
  • Risks of coming on stream
  • Insurable installation projects

Insurable installation projects

  • Machinery, electrical and technical installations
  • Constructions from prefabricated parts
  • Company and third-party installation equipment such as auxiliary machinery, tools and site accommodation
  • Property at risk
  • Building, excavation and construction work


Based on the agreed sum insured, assembly insurance covers sudden and unforeseen damage or destruction during installation. It covers the costs of reinstating the equipment to its state immediately prior to the damage.


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