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The BVG/OPA offers insured with a salary of over CHF 136,080 the opportunity to invest their pension capital more individually. Salary amounts above this threshold can be insured in a separate pension solution such as 1e Invest. With this solution, insureds choose the investment strategy that suits their personal retirement circumstances. What’s more, the 1e solution from AXA provides companies that apply international accounting standards (IFRS, US GAAP) with opportunities to lighten their balance sheets.
1e Invest allows employers to handle administrative tasks quickly and easily on a digital basis. For example:
Unlike regular pension schemes (2nd pillar), AXA 1e Invest enables insureds to choose between five investment strategies:
All strategies benefit from the expertise of AXA Asset Management:
When taking out 1e Invest, the following steps need to be followed so that insureds can benefit from the pension solution and are able to view their investment portfolio and structure.
The AXA Foundation 1e in Winterthur was established in 2022. Its purpose is to arrange occupational retirement, survivors’, and disability pension provision for its affiliated companies. It provides services beyond mandatory occupational pension provision, offering 1e pension plans exclusively for incomes over CHF 136,080.