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Starting out with your own company? But of course Insurance for start-ups

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Even young start-ups sometimes encounter bad luck in their day-to-day work. And mistakes occasionally happen. To ensure they don’t lead to the end of your independence, there are various types of start-up insurance from AXA. The insurance check will show you how you can protect yourself against risks in the start-up phase so that you can concentrate fully on your opportunities.

What types of insurance do start-ups need in Switzerland?

Regardless of whether there's a fire in the warehouse or coffee on your company laptop, insurance offers protection for founders against risks that could endanger your dream of running your own business. Robust insurance cover doesn’t mean being able to show that you have as many policies as possible. Instead you should think about what risks your young company faces, and which ones you don't want to bear on your own. 

Only very few types of insurance are compulsory for start-ups, and these mainly concern insurance for employees. Business owners are free to choose any other kind of insurance cover. Rightly so, as this is how they keep a grip on the greatest risks to their business. 

The most common types of insurance for start-ups

AXA's offer for start-ups

The four greatest risks when setting up a company and how you can protect yourself

Unforeseen events such as business mishaps, legal disputes, delayed payments from customers or sudden work absences can quickly become serious challenges. These not only endanger your financial stability, but can also threaten your company’s existence.  

But how can you protect yourself against these risks? The key lies in prevention and the right cover. A combination of legal, financial and insurance-based measures can help your company stand firm, even in difficult times. 

Find out more about the most common risks when starting a company and how you can minimize them in our blog entitled “The greatest risks for the self-employed”.

How do pensions work for start-ups?

The legal form of your company is crucial when choosing the right pension solution. Owners of sole proprietorships, general or limited partnerships are classified as self-employed. They can take out occupational benefits insurance, but are not obliged to do so. By contrast, owners of a company limited by shares (AG) or a limited liability company (GmbH) are classified as employees of their own company. They are subject to the OPA and are legally obliged to insure themselves and their employees through Pillar 2.

Find out more about pensions and self-employment in our blog entitled "Pensions for the self-employed: what do you really need?"

For sole proprietorships, general or limited partnerships

  • Compulsory: you are obliged to register with the cantonal compensation office (OASI) if you earn a profit of more than CHF 2,300 p.a.
  • Voluntary: you can choose to take out occupational benefits insurance and join a pension scheme (Pillar 2). Many self-employed people in Switzerland also take out a private Pillar 3 pension with a view to maintaining the standard of living they’re accustomed to after they retire. 

For AGs or GmbHs

  • Compulsory: OPA applies to you and your employees. From a salary level of CHF 22,680 (as at 2025), you and your team have to join an OPA solution (Pillar 2) or run your own pension scheme.
  • Voluntary: you are free to take out a private pension with Pillar 3. 
  • Teaser Image
    Occupational benefits insurance with Pillar 2

    It is often too costly for a new company to manage its own pension fund, so AXA offers you various semi-autonomous pension solutions to meet the needs of your company and your (future) employees.

    More about occupational benefits
  • Teaser Image
    Private pension provision with Pillar 3

    Becoming self-employed can lead to worries about long-term financial security. A private Pillar 3 pension is a good option for the self-employed to protect their income for the future and save tax at the same time.

    More about private pension provision

Our additional services for founders

  • Free liquidity workshops

    AXA supports founders with free liquidity planning workshops. Find out what you should bear in mind for planning your liquidity so that you have sufficient financial resources available. And the best thing of all? AXA pays the participation fees for customers who have set up a business in the last 12 months.

  • Membership of the Swiss Startup Association

    AXA is a proud partner of the Swiss Startup Association. It’s worthwhile for you too,  as start-ups insured with AXA benefit  from free basic membership of one of the leading networks for founders in Switzerland. Connect with entrepreneurs and investors at events, improve your skills in exciting workshops, and take advantage of political representation and attractive discounts.

  • Discounts on the Swibeco benefits platform

    Swibeco is the digital platform for staff benefits in Switzerland - it's worth it for you and your team. With Swibeco, you can benefit from discounts from more than 150 top Swiss companies, helping you to save costs. Another plus is that Swibeco is a fixed component of AXA's daily sickness benefits insurance which is why we pay the usage fees for you.

  • Five hours free legal advice

    With AXA commercial legal protection insurance, founders benefit from five hours of free legal advice every year from AXA-ARAG lawyers and attorneys. Whether it concerns a change of legal form or tips about problems with the landlord, our experts are a strong partner when you set up, during crises and when you get started with your business. 

  • Vehicle signage on your UPTO company car

    You can access your company car quickly and easily with an UPTO car subscription. The subscription covers the new car of your choice as well as all maintenance costs (apart from fuel and parking charges). And the best thing of all? UPTO will give new business owners vehicle signage worth CHF 250 which also gets your company noticed when you're out and about.

  • Teaser Image
    CHF 500 reduction on your set-up costs

    Would you like to set up a business easily online? AXA will give you up to CHF 500 towards your start-up costs if a new business is set up through startups.ch and you take out at least two types of commercial insurance.

    To startups.ch
  • Teaser Image
    Our commitment to start-ups

    We're a fan of small businesses in Switzerland. Everything for collaborating with start-ups.

    To innovations and start-ups

Support and FAQs

  • What types of social security insurance are compulsory for start-ups?

    Social security insurance is compulsory. The various types protect Swiss residents against risks and secure their financial existence. Employees and the self-employed make financial contributions. 

    The legal form you choose determines which types of social insurance are compulsory for new businesses. The compensation offices, and in some cases the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (Suva), decide who qualifies as self-employed for the purposes of social insurance.

    There are different types of social security insurance which include the following: 

    • Federal old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI): OASI is the most important pillar of the Swiss pension system (Pillar 1 together with disability insurance), which is intended to cover your basic needs in retirement or those of your dependents after your death. As national insurance, OASI is compulsory for anyone living or working in Switzerland. Federal old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI) is often the only source of income for many pensioners. With this in mind, you should try to avoid any gaps in your OASI contributions.
    • Disability insurance (DI): DI covers disability pension plans in Switzerland (Pillar 1 together with OASI) and is compulsory for anyone living or working in Switzerland. It covers the basic needs of people affected by disabilities by providing rehabilitation measures or payments.
    • Loss of earnings compensation (LEC): loss of earnings compensation insurance provides reasonable compensation for income lost through military service or maternity leave. Contributions are compulsory for everyone.
    • Family allowances (FA): all self-employed people in Switzerland have been subject to the Swiss Federal Family Allowance Act (FAA) since January 1, 2013. This means that they are both entitled to receive a family allowance and required to pay contributions. They must therefore register with a family allowance fund in the canton where their business is based.
  • Which types of voluntary social security insurance are recommended for start-ups?
    • Insurance against health risks:  it's vital for self-employed people to have the right health coverage. To avoid bankruptcy and keep their business going through adversity, they need  to be covered for sickness, accidents, disability, and death.
      • Daily sickness benefits insurance (DSB): this is a form of voluntary coverage for the risk of being unable to work due to sickness. It pays benefits for up to two years. 
      • Accident insurance: work absences are covered with this as a result of accident. The Swiss Federal Accident Insurance Act distinguishes between two types of accident insurance:
        • Occupational accident (OA): this is compulsory for employees. Company founders can insure themselves privately through their health insurer or through their company.
        • Non-occupational accident (NOA): this is  compulsory for staff who work eight hours a week or more. Company owners can insure themselves privately through their health insurer or through their company.
        • Self-employed persons without any employees do not have to take out accident insurance, but they can include daily accident benefits in their daily sickness benefits insurance or elect to be subject to AIA. A self-employed person who becomes ill or is involved in an accident is often no longer able to generate the accustomed income. In such cases, accident and daily sickness benefits insurance for self-employed persons helps to close the gap.
      • Things can get more complicated when it comes to disability. You can either take out additional private cover or increase the benefits covered by your company’s pension fund.
      • The rule of thumb as regards death is that company owners with families that depend on them should make better provision than those who are young and single.
    • Occupational benefits insurance (OPA): occupational benefits insurance is voluntary for self-employed people with no employees. If you employ any staff earning CHF 22,680 (as at 2025) a year or more, occupational benefits contributions are compulsory. Many self-employed people in Switzerland take out a private pension in the third pillar in addition to their occupational benefits insurance with a view to maintaining the standard of living they’re accustomed to after they retire. 
  • What are the most important types of business insurance for start-ups?

    The most important types of business insurance for new companies include:

    Depending on the type of company and sector, many self-employed also choose the following cover:

  • Can the self-employed insure themselves against unemployment?

    Self-employed people in Switzerland can’t register with the state unemployment insurance program, so they aren’t insured against unemployment.

  • I’d like to use money from my pension fund and Pillar 3a account as start-up capital. Is this possible?

    Anyone registered as self-employed with the compensation office can withdraw occupational benefits for use as start-up capital. You can also withdraw tax-privileged capital saved in Pillar 3a to invest in your business. Such withdrawals are taxed at a special low rate.

    Sole proprietors and partners in a general or limited partnership qualify as self-employed. You need to file your application within a year of becoming self-employed.

    Owners of joint stock (AG) or limited liability companies (GmbH) are classified as employees. They cannot withdraw their Pillar 2 and Pillar 3 (3a) assets for self-employment. This is why, in practice, many people first set up a sole proprietorship, which they then change into an AG or GmbH at a later date.

  • How can I protect my family as a self-employed person?

    Whatever your company’s legal form, it’s important to ensure that your insurance solution suits your family’s needs. Self-employed people with no dependents can improve their risk coverage by paying into Pillars 3a and 3b. If you’re living with a partner and have children, you should also pay into an OPA pension as well as save capital in Pillar 3. This will allow you to maintain your whole family’s usual standard of living if you’re unfit for work due to sickness or an accident.

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