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  • Definition of «qualified investor»

    Art. 10 (3) of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) defines qualified investors as:

    • financial intermediaries pursuant to the Banking Act of November 8, 1934 (BankA), the Financial Institutions Act of June 15, 2018 (FinIA), and the Collective Investment Schemes Act of June 23, 2006 (CISA);
    • insurance companies pursuant to the Insurance Supervision Act of December 17, 2004 (ISA);
    • central banks;
    • public-law entities with professional treasury departments;
    • occupational benefits institutions and institutions existing for the purpose of serving occupational benefits schemes that have professional treasury departments;
    • companies with professional treasury departments;
    • large companies within the meaning of Art. 4 (5) of the Financial Services Act (FinSA);
    • private investment structures established for high net worth private clients that have professional treasury departments; and 
    • high net worth private clients within the meaning of Art. 5 (1) and (2) FinSA who declare that they wish to be considered as professional customers.

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Businessman and businesswoman look at statistics on sheets

Alternative financing for stable portfolios AXA Vorsorge Private Debt Fund

Attractive risk/return profile
Lower interest rate sensitivity
Illiquidity premium
Key points at a glance
  • Broadly diversified: Access to a broadly diversified portfolio with respect to geographical distribution and investment types 
  • Attractive risk/return profilePrivate debt loans are serviced first in the event of bankruptcy 
  • Lower interest rate sensitivity: Compared to traditional credit investments

AXA Vorsorge Private Debt Fund

The AXA Vorsorge Private Debt Fund gives investors access to a broadly diversified portfolio of high-quality collateralized loans to small and medium-sized companies in the focus regions of North America and Europe.

The focus is on corporate financing in all available economic sectors. The addition of special financing (e.g. lease transactions, export financing) is intended to enrich the risk/return ratio.

All available investment types (primary and secondary investments as well as co-investments) are used. Investments are made via the largest general partners in the market.

What sets the AXA Vorsorge Private Debt Fund apart?

The fund invests for the long term and offers a solid portfolio with the following characteristics:

  • Security: Due to the collateralization of private debt loans, their security is significantly higher than that of high-yield bonds, as they are serviced first in the event of bankruptcy
  • Highly diversified: In terms of geographical distribution and investment types, more than 200 loans
  • Low interest rate sensitivity: Variable interest rate of private debt investments leads to lower interest rate sensitivity compared to traditional credit investments
  • Illiquidity premium: There is no public market for private debt and the loans are held until maturity or refinancing, which is why a significant illiquidity premium is paid
  • Stability: The fluctuations in value of private market investments are lower than those of comparable publicly traded investments This increases the stability of the portfolio 

Frequently asked questions

  • What does private debt mean?
    • Private debt means that companies receive a loan from private investors/non-public institutions and not in the traditional manner, from a bank for example.
      A private debt fund thus grants the money invested as private loans to selected companies. The company thus relies on alternative credit financing.
  • What are the opportunities for investments in private debt funds?
    • Additional return through the illiquidity premium with simultaneous security through collateralization
    • Stable cash inflows due to quarterly interest payments
    • Lower interest rate sensitivity due to variable interest rates
    • Diversification across the entire portfolio
    • Lower portfolio volatility
  • What are the risks for investments in private debt funds?
    • Limited liquidity
    • Changes in the interest rate environment can have an impact on the performance of private debt investments
    • Changes in the economic environment can lead to payment defaults in the portfolio

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