For healthy and motivated employees Health prevention in companies

Prevent occupational accidents and illnesses
Increase staff satisfaction
Reduce absence costs
Key points at a glance
  • Prevention is better than cure: Corporate health prevention services help you recognize health risks early and to counteract them in your company in good time. 
  • Fewer absences: With the right preventative measures, you can prevent mental and physical illnesses as well as accidents among your employees.
  • Lower absence costs: Every work absence that can be prevented saves costs and resources. That strengthens the competitiveness of your company and increases the satisfaction of your team.

What is health prevention in companies?

Health prevention comprises any measure in a company that helps protect employees against illness and accidents. The focus here in on maintaining and promoting physical and mental health at work. This prevents absences relating to health, motivation or accident, meaning that your team stays happy, healthy, and productive.

Why is health prevention so important?

The health of employees is a key success factor for companies:

  • health promotion measures indicate to your staff that you care about their health, thus promoting a productive working environment. This boosts your team's happiness.
  • Healthy and motivated employees are demonstrably more productive, are less prone to absenteeism and are loyal to their employer for longer. This reduces absenteeism due to illness, lost production  and staff turnover.  
  • Lower absenteeism reduces direct and indirect absence costs and also saves on administrative work. This strengthens your company's profitability and makes you more competitive. On average, every franc invested in corporate health management is paid back three times over.

AXA’s prevention offer

With WeCare, the Corporate Health Management program, AXA has developed an offer that is dedicated entirely to your employees' health. Prevention is a key part of this.

Together with selected partners, we help you design a daily work schedule in your company that promotes health. From seminars to early identification of burnout and a health app for your employees. Personal and digital. With WeCare, your company has access to exclusive prevention services:

personal prevention offers

Digital prevention offers

How your company can use the prevention services from WeCare

Companies with accident insurance, daily sickness benefits insurance and/or an occupational benefits solution from AXA  can have exclusive use to WeCare's comprehensive prevention offer. Whether individual services or all-round support for implementing health services in the company, our advisors are happy to help. Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Case study: health prevention in companies

  1. Task: After an illness-related absence, Ms. B, the head of a planning office, would like to support her employees with a health-promoting offer. She has little time in her daily work routine and turns to AXA for assistance.  
  2. Aim: The responsible WeCare advisor and Ms. B determine the current situation and identify potential improvements. Staff in the planning office sit down for a long time in their daily work routine, leading to repeated back problems. The life situation of members of staff varies a great deal, ranging from young career starters to single fathers working part-time. It is therefore important for Ms. B to find an offer that can easily be integrated into the daily work schedule and is also suitable for all staff.
  3. Planning measures: The decision involves a hybrid approach: in on-site seminars, the team learns more about health, stress and exercise and is given practical exercises on how to deal with stressful situations. All employees are also given access to a health app that motivates them to integrate health habits into the daily routine. 
  4. Implementation: Ms. B informs her staff in advance about the planned health measures. Her WeCare advisor takes over the rest of the organization for her. After the first half-day seminar, all staff receive access to the health app. The second half-day seminar is held eight weeks later.  
  5. Evaluation: After completing all measures, a completion conversation is held between Ms. B and her WeCare advisor. The employee feedback on the seminars and usage rate of the app clearly show that the majority of staff are very keen on the health offer and were able to adopt one to two healthy habits.


Support and frequently asked questions

  • What does prevention in a company cost?

    The question about the cost of occupational health prevention cannot be answered in general terms. Should an individual measure be implemented or does your company want to have continuous support for employee health? Do you need new software for efficient absence management or should new structures for preventing staff absences be implemented? The cost of occupational health promotion depends heavily on your company's individual circumstances. A personal consultation helps to assess suitable measures and set a cost framework. Feel free to contact our WeCare advisors

    It's worth pointing out that companies that invest in their employees' health promotion ultimately save costs. According to studies, on average every franc invested in corporate health management is paid back three times over.

  • What is WeCare?

    WeCare is the offer from AXA for better employee health. It offers companies personal support for introducing preventive health measures (prevention) and professional support throughout the entire rehabilitation and reintegration process if employees are absent due to illness or accident (Care and Case Management).

    This way, you know that the health of your employees is always in good hands so that you can continue to focus on your core business.

    Further information on WeCare

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