
Strong together: AXA and Caritas support single parents

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In Switzerland, one in six families lives below the poverty line – single parents are particularly affected. They usually have to manage work, childcare and the household on their own, which often leads to financial difficulties. Caritas is therefore working with partners such as AXA Switzerland to offer targeted support and find long-term solutions. But why is the situation so difficult for single parents? What help is there, and what role do companies play in this? We spoke about this with Niels Jost, media spokesperson for Caritas.

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    Niels Jost

    Niels Jost has been the media spokesperson for Caritas Switzerland since 2023. He gives insights into the work of the organization and also likes to help make a difference on the ground.

Mr. Jost, Switzerland is considered one of the richest countries in Europe. Nevertheless, according to statistics, more than 700,000 people are affected by poverty. In your view, what is the reason for this? 

The wealth of a country does not automatically lead to fair distribution or equal opportunities. In Switzerland, the costs of housing, health care and childcare in particular place a heavy burden on the budgets of many households. For people with low incomes, such as single parents, the working poor or people without post-secondary education, it is often difficult to cover these costs.

Single parents belong to the group most often affected by financial insecurity. What role does this insecurity play in the daily lives of single parents, and what consequences does it have for their children in particular? 

Financial uncertainty affects all areas of life and places a heavy burden on those affected. They often have to combine several jobs to secure their livelihood. This leads to constant overload. Or they cut back on food or leisure time. All this increases the risk of health problems and social isolation.

For children, the financial insecurity of their parents often means limited educational and leisure opportunities, which can affect their development and future prospects. They also often experience the pressure and worries of their parents – which is emotionally stressful.

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What support does Caritas offer to single parents and their families?

We offer a number of ways to help – from discounted food in the Caritas market to second-hand shops and discounts on leisure activities thanks to the KulturLegi to sponsorships for disadvantaged children. We also provide targeted financial support, for example if urgently needed dental treatment is required or to enable a child to participate in a sports club. This is only possible thanks to partners like AXA, for which we are very grateful.

In addition to providing direct assistance, we also advocate for families politically, such as more premium reductions or family allowances. And this work has paid off: Just recently, the Canton of Basel-Landschaft introduced a poverty monitoring system based on a model that we developed with the Bern University of Applied Sciences. Targeted measures can be derived from this.

You mentioned working with AXA: How important is working with external partners for Caritas, and where do they see the greatest potential for positive change?  

Social problems can only be solved if all social stakeholders work together. Cooperation between non-profit organizations such as Caritas and the private sector is becoming increasingly important. Many companies are expanding their social commitment as part of their corporate social responsibility strategies and are increasingly assuming social responsibility.

I see great potential in external childcare. For single parents in particular, it is crucial that this becomes cheaper. Otherwise, parents are working merely to pay for childcare. There are already positive examples of companies paying for the costs of their employees, paying for them entirely or even offering their own support.

Fulfilling Christmas wishes

AXA Switzerland not only supports Caritas as a partner – its employees are also actively involved in helping disadvantaged families. Just in time for the Caritas Christmas wish campaign 2024, they became hardworking elves and turned children’s wishes into Christmas presents. Employees chose which wishes they wanted to fulfill, then wrapped the gifts and gave them all to Caritas. All in all, the hard-working helpers were able to fulfill the Christmas wishes of 600 children in the canton of Zurich. 

In addition to the introduction of childcare: What do you want from companies to better support single parents and their families?

Structural changes are needed to bring single parents and families out of poverty in the long term. These include better reconciliation of family and work, flexible work models and the targeted promotion of continuing vocational training – especially for women. Ultimately, these are investments that pay off not only for companies, but also for society as a whole.

And what can society as a whole do to better support families?

We need more togetherness! Family centers, parent cafés or local networks can be valuable points of contact for exchange, support and relief. Society can make an important contribution here by promoting the expansion of such services and creating low-threshold access.

If you were able to express a wish, what would have to change in Switzerland so that poverty – especially among families and single parents – can be combated in the long term?

I have three wishes: living wages, affordable childcare and larger premium reductions.

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