
AXA named top car insurer

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The knowledgeable readers of the car magazine auto-illustrierte have once again cast their votes for their favorite names in all things automotive. For the eight time in a row, they chose AXA as the top car insurer.

"auto-illustrierte", the leading Swiss car magazine, asked its readers for the eight time to vote for their favorite names in all things automotive. The Best of Brands survey featured more than 300 providers of products and services in 12 categories, including tuning, tires, satellite navigation, hi-fi equipment, finance, rental, and insurance.

AXA products strike a chord

For the eight time in a row, readers placed AXA first in the car insurance category – ahead of ahead of Die Mobiliar and Generali. "We're delighted to be named the top car insurer yet again. It shows that our products and claims handling are clearly striking a chord, even among very well-informed car enthusiasts," says Jérôme Pahud, Head of Mobility Insurance at AXA and member of the AXA Mobility Competence Center.

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