I am honest


Tell us what happened...

Important: We are happy to help if you need support or information while on your trip. You can call us anytime at +41 58 218 11 00. To manage your online claim quickly and efficiently, please have your booking information and bank details on hand.


Please enter the planned length of the trip:


Please provide us with details of the cancellation costs. Deduct from the amount any compensation you have received from third parties.

  Amount (CHF) Compensation by airline (CHF) Additional costs after deduction (CHF)
Flight 500 150 350

Personal assistance

What is an incident? This is, for example, an illness, accident or natural event or if your means of transportation fails during your trip. Or the immediate return home due to an emergency.

Please enter the planned length of the trip:


Please provide us with details of the cancellation costs. Deduct from the amount any compensation you have received from third parties.

  Amount (CHF) Compensation by airline (CHF) Additional costs after deduction (CHF)
Flight 500 150 350

Breakdown / collision

Specify the vehicle make and model:



Please enter the length of the trip:

Costs of medical treatment abroad

Please enter the length of the trip:

Rental car deductible

Please enter the length of the rental agreement:

Travel legal protection

Information on the policyholder

The policyholder is the person in whose name the insurance is held. This person is contacted for premium invoices, for example. Co-insured individuals such as family members or other persons in the same household can be recorded later.

Contact person


Who is reporting the claim to us?

Payment information

Documents and payment information

Upload documents pertaining to your claim here.

Examples of documents:

  • Confirmation from tour operator
  • Receipts for additional costs or replacements
  • Photos
  • Medical certificates
  • Other documents
Upload file

The account must be held by a person who is listed in the insurance policy.

Information regarding Data Privacy is available under the following link: Privacy Policy.
