Three cars in the colors blue, yellow and red crash into each other on a test site during a crash test by AXA.

Past crash tests

What are the consequences of you being distracted by your smartphone while driving and crashing into stationary traffic at 60 kph? How is it that an electric car reversing out of a parking space hits somebody and causes more damage than a petrol car? Typical and unfortunately commonplace situations that AXA intends to look into in its annual crash tests. This is because of one of the main tasks of AXA Research & Prevention is to understand the devastating consequences that accidents like these can have on life and limb. The tests provide important findings in this regard.

2021: Traveling safely on vacation

6,005 RVs were sold in Switzerland in 2020, 26% more than the year before. The new AXA crash test series is dedicated to this boom in camper vans. The video shows how the dangers and accident damage involving RVs differ compared to cars and what the fatal consequences can be of overloading or unsafely loading these vehicles. You'll also find out how safe it is to travel in a convertible compared to a car with a roof and why modern camper vans are preferable to older cult models for safety reasons.

2020: Accidents with SUVs are more serious

The trend towards SUVs is inexorable – every fifth car insured by AXA is now a sports utility vehicle. But these big heavy vehicles cause up to a quarter more accidents than other passenger cars – often with very serious consequences. This was highlighted in the crash tests carried out by AXA Research & Prevention in Wildhaus in 2020.

2019: Electric cars pose other risks

The rising number of electric cars on Swiss roads means that in future they will be involved in more accidents. However, electric cars differ from conventional ones in several ways, and this also affects the general accident situation. For the 2019 crash tests at Dübendorf Air Base, AXA Research & Prevention carried out three crashes to highlight specific risks associated with electric cars.

2018: Changed mobility - new accident consequences

The urban mobility of the future presents us with challenges: drones, e-cargo bikes or shared concepts. New means of transport meet proven ones. People's changed mobility needs in towns require new mobility concepts. This all entails new risks. AXA Research & Prevention devoted itself to urban transport of the future in its 2018 crash tests in Dübendorf.

2017: Are self-driving cars safer?

Self-driving cars are the future of mobility - that's something that experts agree on. In the 2017 crash tests in Dübendorf, AXA established where the risks lie and which accidents can't be avoided, even with the best technology.

2016: Smartphones - more distraction and more accidents

Since the use of mobile phones has become so widespread, more accidents are being caused by people talking on their phones or writing text messages while driving. With the increase in possibilities for using a smartphone, the temptation to use apps in road traffic has also grown – whether as a driver or a pedestrian. Everyday situations were simulated in AXA's 2016 crash tests in Dübendorf.

Rear-end collision between three passenger cars

The driver of a passenger car on the highway  spots congestion ahead. He brakes in good time   and stops. The driver of the following   passenger car is distracted by his smartphone , brakes too late, and crashes into the standing traffic at 60 kph .

Collision between a passenger car and a pedestrian

A pedestrian is staring at his smartphone and  listening to music on his headphones. As if blind and  deaf, he crosses the street and is hit   by a passenger car at 50 kph.

Crash between a passenger car driver and an oncoming truck

The driver of a passenger car is driving along  a country road and writing a text message on  his smartphone at the same time.  He veers into the lane of oncoming traffic  where a truck  is heading toward him. Although the truck driver brakes immediately, he is  still moving at 30 kph  when the passenger car crashes into him  at 60 kph.

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